January 26, 2025
Minister: Rev. Dr. Paul Miller
Minister of Music: Jude Kudera
Pianist: Karina Carr
Sermon: "Body Language"
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Hymns (from Voices United unless specified)
#222 - Come, Let Us Sing
They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love*
#595 - We Are Pilgrims
* lyrics will be printed on the bulletin insert
Special Music: Blessings - performed by Karina Carr
Scripture Reader: Carol Ann McGarr
Ushers: Mary Dietrich and Phyllis Lidstone
Coffee Hour Hosts: Elliston and Joy Bridger
Birthdays and Anniversaries
We do not have any birthdays or anniversaries to announce this week. If you wish to have your birthday or anniversary posted on this page and in our church bulletin, please make sure the church office has your information.
Church Entrance
If you are parking on Valleyview Rd. and entering the Church via the new walkway from Valleyview Rd. to the Church, please use the East Entrance door (“Enter” sign on the door). This entrance will bring you past the minister’s study, the washrooms and then into the Fellowship Hall where the elevator is located, making the sanctuary level easy to access.
Coffee Hour Request
There's a wish that more of our Westminster folk would sign up for providing coffee hour. It is not a hard job.
Please take a copy of the job description at today's coffee hour, and please sign up if you are willing to do this, perhaps with a friend.
Weekly Bible Study
Bible study is held in the Friendship Chapel on Wednesdays at 10:00 am with Rev. Dr. Paul Miller
Coldest Night of the Year
Once again Westminster Church will be supporting Start Me Up Niagara through the Coldest Night of the Year Walk which takes place on Saturday February 22. Your Westminster Walk Team the “Wings” are taking pledges to support SMUN. If you would like to donate to the “Wings Team” print “Walk” on the OTHER line on your offering envelope or by interac e-transfer print Walk in the message box.
United Church Assessment 2025
Westminster’s 2025 United Church Assessment is $7070.00, based on 103 church members and adherents, the cost is $68.64 per person, if you are able to help with the cost of the assessment, print “Assessment” on the “OTHER” line on your offering envelope or by interac e-transfer print assessment in the message box.
Annual Reports
Committee Chairs and Group Leaders, please submit your 2024 reports to the office ASAP!
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting for our congregation will be held on Sunday, February 23 following the church service.
Property Redevelopment Project
A detailed newsletter was sent out via email regarding our parking for the next several weeks. If you did not receive a copy, please click on the Property Redevelopment Project Update link and/or picture above.
Swiss Chalet Night
Our next Swiss Chalet night is Friday, February 21st at the Glendale location in St. Catharines. 10% of all bills will be donated back to our church. Please let the office know if you plan to attend. Also, if you dine at this location at any other time, we can use those receipts too. Save your receipts and hand them into the church office.
Choir Practice
While our Minister of Music is dealing with health issues, Karina Carr will be leading choir practices. The practices will temporarily be held on Sunday mornings at 9:15am in the chapel. New members are always welcome to join. No experience necessary!
Coffee Hour Volunteers
Coffee Hour has been flourishing over the last several months. Many thanks to all our coffee hour hosts! If you are able to assist with coffee hour, please speak to Lisa Mansfield.
Euchre Club
There will be no euchre at WUC from Monday, January 20th until the end of February.
Euchre will resume on Monday, March 3rd, by which time we hope the parking situation will be a bit more convenient.